Wicked - London

Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Wicked Set in London

Well, I entered my information from my passport today for my airline ticket. You have to enter the information to go to London otherwise you will not be able to board. So I am just waiting for my sister's civilian passport to come in the mail. Mine is ready to go. I just need all of her numbers and such. Then we are set to fly. Yeah! I do wake up in the middle of the night very nervous though, like I cannot breathe. I may try the pills for flying ahead of time just to see if they have any affect.

I got an email today called the ozmoploition. It is a newsleter describing what is happening with the cast, crew and the set of Wicked. Today there was a picture of the Time Dragon and a look at the stage. I am eager in anticipation for the play. I almost want to get another set of tickets. We already have two, but I think it is going to be so worthwhile that we may want to see it one more time. I don't think I can talk my sister into it though, so we will see.


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